Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ISTA 301: The Class As A Whole

My final blog entry I wanted to discuss my overall thoughts on the class. Its probably not a relative topic, but I felt like it would be a good one. I thought that the material that we covered in the class was interesting, with L-Systems and Cellular Automata being some of my favorite topics.

These topics helped me look at some of the processes used in Computer Science, my major, and helped show some of the technologies they are used in. The main reason I'm excited about those topics is because I want to design games, even as just a hobby. As an avid gamer I want to be able to give something back to the community and show off some of my ideas. Because of this class I have been introduced to some of the technologies that can be used (the Unity game engine, L-Systems for terrain design, cellular automata for basic AI).

Being exposed to the ideas of others in the class was also a big help. There's no guarantee that I'll use what I've seen in this class, but I am glad that I was given the opportunity to work with some of these technologies and experience such a different class.

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