Sunday, April 28, 2013

ISTA 301 Found Art

For my next post I will be looking towards a found art style. Found art can be used in a variety of ways, and I find the idea fascinating personally.

The main style of found art I like to look at is the "one man's trash is another man's treasure" found art. This is where the piece is comprised of trash and other used objects to create the art. Just a quick Google search led to me this clock made from trash and then a family of robots made from various metals and plastics.

I find it all amazing the different ways that junk can be used in in the creative process. Stuff like this tree just shows how people can see things so completely differently, I know I would never be able to think of something like that. But it has inspired me, although not super creative, I do plan to decorate an entire wall of my house when I'm older with my collection of vinyl records and their sleeves. Hopefully as I look at more found art pieces I'll be able to create something just as impressive. I'm not entirely creative, but I do want to be able to do, for a lack of a better word, cool things like this.

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