Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ISTA 301: Creational Tools Part 1: Digital Technologies and Their Uses

I wanted to look at a very important part of what this course is about: Technology. I've looked at quite a few art forms and so now I want to start making a transition into the technologies that can be used and the ways they are integrated into the art community.

As technology continues to advance, their uses in the art world becomes immeasurable. Perhaps the greatest technology that provided  advancement in art is film. Film has managed to branch off to photograph and cinema, which has led to several other forms of art.

Using film editing technologies, augmented realities were allowed to be created in both films and pictures. To help create even more possibilities, more programs and technologies were created. Photoshop, and its siblings such as GIMP, help provide more options to people. These options are what allow people to continue to create beautiful works, and as more people are introduced to these technologies, more advances will be made.

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