Sunday, April 28, 2013

ISTA 301 L-Systems

I've had an interest in graphics for a while but haven't had much of a chance to research them. I've always been a gamer, ever since I was able to pick up a controller, and most of my friends are gamers too. I have started to follow a dream that I had since I was young and am attempting to develop some games to a) have some fun with it and b) see how well I am able to program higher level systems. One of the most impressive things I see in games is the art style, and I've wondered how some of the environments in games are created. So I decided to look into some L-Systems this time, since fractal images are useful in creating natural environments such as forests and other groupings of plant life.

During my quick Google search follow-up I came across . This site shows a lot of examples of L-Systems, including plant-life (trees, shrubs and even blueberry bushes) as well as performing landscape operations to create hills (which I didn't know could be done with L-Systems). Here's a couple examples of what can be done with L-Systems.

Real Blueberries
L-System Blueberries
A Base Plane to be edited for terrain
Modified by L-Systems to add hills
Looking at these examples I want to learn how to do create something with tools that are powerful like these. When I have the opportunity to research this process more I might create something and share it on this post.

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