Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ISTA 301: Musique Concrete

Musique Concrete is probably the least interesting topic that we covered in this class. I find this actually very interesting because I am, well was, a musician. It seemed like it was going to be one of the more interesting topics at first, but trying to work with it was very difficult and the end results weren't very appealing. I'm not sure if it was simply because I was a poor composer or I just couldn't find good sounds to work with.

I like the idea, but I don't know if I have found many good examples of them. Unfortunately, my interest in looking for a good example is also very low. I'm not the type to just give up on a process that isn't successful on my first try, especially when the process has been proven successful and other people have been able to produce different pieces. This is just one of those styles that just doesn't suit me, which is unfortunate, since I love creating music.

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