Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ISTA 301: Creational Technologies Part 2: Older Technologies

In my previous entry I talked about newer technologies that have been used for artworks. This time I want to consider less technologically advanced techniques that still produce high level works of art.

If we consider some of the greatest works of art, they were not made using computers, they were not made from programs or any other electronic source. David and the Sistine Chapel, the Great Wall of China and the Mona Lisa. They were created by hand, and that's just fascinating. The fact that any of these could be created by hand is astounding. Its artworks and artists like these that inspired many of the artists today. These all end up leading into the technologies that would facilitate new technologies.

Without creations like these, modern art may not have been created. These all end up leading into all of the ways we can work with art now. Photoshop, movie making, cartography, data visualizations, and so many other tools are the result of people wanting to build up on what was created. I know these technologies will continue to grow.

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